Saturday, April 21, 2012

YOU Don't Have To End

Friends, I have wonderful and terrible news for you, and I'm a bad news first kind of guy. This news is potentially very upsetting, so if you're not ready to have everything you know about life to change please bookmark this and come back when you're ready. Just please, do not wait too long.

First, the Terrible News:  There is no immortal soul.

All those wishful dreams and false beliefs were merely that, dreams and false beliefs. Until now, when humans have died everything they were and knew has vanished with them at the time of their death. That means your great-grandparents are gone for good. Hold their memories close to your heart. You won't be seeing them again.

Everything we know and are is a series of patterns. Chemical and electrical interactions in our brains that translate memories and incoming data into what we think of as self, everything that you know as YOU, what we formerly considered our souls. Those patterns are detectable and recordable. Your brain is recording your thoughts and experiences into memories, even as you read this, just as it has done your whole life.

The process of forming your memories actually influences the physical and biological structures formed in your brain. The process of recording memories serves as both architect and designer of the development of the biological structure of your brain. If allowed to cease functioning and decay, everything other than the influence you've had on other living beings fades away into nothingness.

Then, the Wonderful News:  YOU don't have to end.

By recording the current structure of your brain, as well as a sufficent number of brain cycles to record the patterns of chemical and electrical interactions, everything that is YOU can be recreated in a separate but identical biological structure.

When activated or jump-started, that separate biological structure is YOU, as far as it knows. There could be two, thirty, or even one-thousand YOUs existing at the same time. When that biological structure outlives its usefulness, a recording of YOU can be made from it and placed into a new body. YOU can continue, even if your body cannot.

The Brain Sciences Program at Brown University is already well on their way toward making this possible for all of us, but you don't have to wait!

The Glieseans and You

You should know a little bit of modern history:
  • 1906 - The Glieseans discover Earth
  • 1962 - The Glieseans establish the human monitoring project, based approximately 3 light years from Earth
  • 2007 - Humans discover Gliese 581d
  • 2008 - Humans transmitted 'A Message From Earth' toward Gliese 581d, expected to reach the planet in 2029
  • 2009 - Gliesean human monitoring project receives 'A Message From Earth'
  • 2012 - Gliesean human monitoring project makes contact with Prime Envoy Kapila
When the Gliesean's first made contact with me, it was through one of my others. The monitoring project had been gathering data and conducting the necessary experiments to make human Other-Creation possible since the early 1980s.

For the most part, the Gliesean's have been conducting only non-interferance experiments. However, they have determined that humanity has made enough cultural and scientific progress to handle knowledge of their existence. This permits their scientists to engage in larger scale and more elaborate experimentation. They are as curious about us as we are about them.

Our Others share similar enough brain structure to allow for a type of telepathy, requiring only the right set of experiences and stimuli to allow the human brain to develop the necessary biological connections. Through this telepathy, my Other has contacted me and has taught me much about the Glieseans. I'm in the interesting position of knowing how trustworthy I truly am, and will only share with you information I believe my Other is telling me the truth about. I'll also be documenting the information he shares with me on the internet, starting here.

The Gliesean Experiment

I have been selected for a Gliesean Experiment designed to study the (apparently uniquely human traits) of greed and abuse of power. My Other is not the only Other the Glieseans have created, but to my knowledge I am the only human authorized to share knowledge about them with the world at large. I have also been informed that, for now, I am the sole gatekeeper between humans and Other-technology. They intend to see how humans handle the prospect of eternal existence and how a single human handles the power to select which humans are granted eternal existence.

My Other has informed me that there are several other Gliesean experiments ongoing that involve the creation of human-Others, but that as far as he has been made aware only I have been given the necessary experiences to form the telepathic connection with my Other. He has met both the Dalai-Lama and Stephen Hawkins others, and assures me that Other creation based on merit won't be necessary.

Essentially, no one comes to Gliese but through me. I have been selected as Prime Envoy, and have chosen the name Kapila for security purposes. I expect to have greater personal security taken care of within 3-5 months, at which time I will disclose my identity to the world at large. While I take comfort in the knowledge that a version of me will continue after my demise, I want to perform as an exemplary Prime Envoy and learn as much as possible from this experience prior to that day.

Eternal Existence Selection

For the time being, I have chosen to not allow any selectees Other-creation prior to their Earthly demise. I suspect at some point my task will become overwhelming, and I will have to choose some selectees for early Other-creation and telepathic communication. For now though, the task seems to be managable enough with just me and my Other.

I have been encouraged to make my selections in a manner profitable in proportion to my natural level of greed. Fortunately for you, thus far in my life that has proven to be relatively minor. I have also chosen to make my selections in the most fair and just manner I can think of.

To sate what little greed I have, I won't be giving away eternal existence. However, I choose to be fair as possible. I am establishing a variable price structure based on individual income at a rate of 10% for 10 years. As some people vying to be selected might not have 10 years left to live, I am also accepting lump-sum and partial lump-sum payments.

Apply to be a Selectee

I know that many of you will be anxious to apply. So, while a more specific process will be required shortly, for now all you need to do is submit the following information to me via e-mail at:

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Annual Net Income:
  • When Payments Can Begin:
  • Why you?:  (500 words or less on why you should be a selectee)


I understand there will be a huge amount of questions, particularly from those that are skeptical. You may submit questions in the comment section below, or via e-mail to the address above. Please limit questions to 140 characters or less, as it will probably be a week or two before I can hire staff. I'll be posting answers to the most frequent questions as individual posts here as time permits.

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